Exactly How Animal Agriculture WILL End

The vegan movement is more popular than ever. More and more people are choosing plant based foods everyday. Which is great.

But what’s the ultimate goal? 

Where are we going with this? 

Let me tell you. 

We’re going to END animal agriculture. And this is how we’re going to do it. 

The animal agriculture system is massive. From the production of the grain and soy fed to the animals, to the torturous and inhumane ways we raise the animals, to the slaughterhouses that slice their bodies into pieces, to the food companies that profit from the sale of their flesh, secretions, and menstrual eggs, to the marketing that brainwashes society into thinking all of this is normal, natural and necessary, to the people who consume these products. 

Not to mention all the animal poop and what we do with it! 

It’s a massive system. It seems like an overwhelming task to dismantle it. 

But there’s a weak link. There’s a point in that system that WILL crumble if we target it correctly. 

The food companies that profit from animal products. 

Companies are not moral entities. They will never stop killing animals because we ask them to. They will never voluntarily stop the inhumane living conditions. They will never make environmentally responsible decisions.

Those companies don’t care about the animals, they don’t care about the environment, they only care about profit. Which at first seems obvious and grave. But let’s examine the subtext. 

They don’t care about the animals. They don’t care about the environment. 

They only care about profit. 

Which means, they don’t care how they make money, they just want to make money. So if there is more money to be made in plant based foods, they will manufacture plant based foods. 

It’s as simple as that.

But the difficult part is shifting the market to favor plant based foods. More people have to demand plant based products. More people have to stop consuming animal products. We have to shift the majority of the market towards plant based foods. 

We have to make plant based products more profitable than animal products. 

Only then will companies change their behavior. 

Once companies transition to plant based products - purely for profit - the animal agriculture industry will crumble. Because there’s no money to be made anymore. 

And for people who refuse to become plant based, food tech is innovating so fast they’ll be able to provide cellular animal products without the cruelty and environmental destruction. 

Cellular animal products will be so much cheaper to produce, that companies will voluntarily switch to cellular products rather than continue the inefficient animal agriculture system.

We just need to demand these products. 

And more importantly, refuse to buy products made from animals.

The companies aren’t going to change voluntarily. The laws won’t change fast enough.

We, and only we, have the power to create change. 

Gandhi said it best, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” 

It starts with us. 

What we eat is not a personal choice. Every dollar we spend is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. What we do matters.

Companies may not be moral entities. But we are. 

Choose compassion everyday. The world WILL eventually follow.  


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